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CONTROL - Car Control Clinic

2024: 1/15(canceled), 2/24, 3/23, 4/1, 5/6, 6/17, 7/16, 8/19, 9/2, 10/14, 11/23, 12/7

Pitt Race provides instruction in situational awareness, driving dynamics, skid control, emergency braking, and accident avoidance techniques. Partnered with a certified instructor, students are introduced to the physics and dynamics of vehicle control and will maneuver through a variety of situations in a controlled environment.

Split-second reactions could make a life-saving difference in an emergency, are you prepared?

Car Control Clinics are 4-hour courses with both classroom and driving sessions. Our instructors will teach you skills in the classroom. Then they will demonstrate those skills in-car, while you’re in the passenger seat. Finally, the instructor will guide you while you practice the demonstrated skill on our road course at speed.

Control Class is offered by Pitt Race to help the everyday driver, in all weather conditions, with any skill level feel more confident on the road in all weather conditions.

Who: Pitt Race What: Car Control Clinic When: 2024: 1/15(canceled), 2/24, 3/23, 4/1, 6/17, 7/16, 8/19, 9/2, 10/14, 11/23, 12/7

To register, click here or call 724-535-1000.

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