CSS - California Superbike School
Date 2025: August 18th - 21st,
Full Track
Do not fill out the smart waiver more than 14 days before your event or you will not appear in the system.
Fact: Step-by-step advanced rider training did not exist before Keith Code began his first one-on-one courses in 1976. What happened after that? From novice street riders to factory racers, riders trained by him rapidly improved.
Our Two-Day Camps are open to both first-time California Superbike School students as well as returning, upper-level students.
Two-Day Camps have all of our bells and whistles. More importantly, we offer a 2:1 student-to-coach ratio making it semi-private coaching for each student. In addition, with only two small groups, students have half again the track sessions of our regular school days to hone their skills. The bells and whistles? Aside from our fantastic new S1000RR BMW bikes, we also provide lap times, as well as breakfast, lunch, healthy snacks, and everything else you need. Riders experience a complete refit of their riding skills.
The Two-Day Camp delivers concentrated rider training with a twist. We mainline you with the information and intensive, hands-on practice at the Two-Day and our on-board, over-the-shoulder video provides you and your coach with exact details of both what you are and what you are not doing right.
Two-day camps fill up quickly. Find a date on our schedule that suits you and put down your deposit.
You will improve. You are a far better rider than you’ve ever let yourself hope to be. We have a system that works. Is it the best? We don’t know, but we can and do guarantee improvement.
Who: California Superbike School
What: Motorcycle Rider Training
When: 2025: August 18th - 21st,
Where: Full Track
For more information, visit the California Superbike School website.